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Pre-Trip inspection

Quoted from the K53 manuals: " A physical pre-trip inspection shall be executed irrespective of the weather conditions on instruction and under supervision of the examiner for every test. "


From the Manual:

  1. The examiner shall accompany the applicant to his/her vehicle, where a pre-trip exterior inspection shall be conducted prior to entering the vehicle
  2. The examiner may allow minor defects to be rectified, however, no extra time shall be allowed and the stopwatch shall not be stopped
  3. Should any of the items indicated on the test report (image below) be inoperative, the vehicle will be considered un roadworthy and the examiner shall circle the black block under the heading "Roadworthiness" on the test report, make a X in the fail box and immediately discontinue the test


From the Manual:

  1. The examiner shall request the applicant to enter the vehicle and operate the lights, (dipped beam and main beam), direction indicators, brake lights, wipers and horn on request
  2. The examiner shall ask the applicant to proceed with the pre-trip inspection c. The examiner may allow minor defects to be rectified, however, no extra time shall be allowed and the stopwatch shall not be stopped
  3. Should any of the items indicated on the test report (image below) be inoperative, the vehicle will be considered un roadworthy and the examiner shall circle the black block under the heading "Roadworthiness" on the test report, make a X in the fail box and immediately discontinue the test

How to do the pre trip inspection


  1. Start inspecting underneath the vehicle. Always rotate anti-clockwise. You have to actually look underneath the vehicle. Say - No obstruction or leakage
  2. Inspect the driver door. Say - handle and mirror is secure and working. Door is closed
  3. Move to right front wheel, say - tyre thread is more than 1mm, hubcaps and nuts are secure. Do an inspection of the tyre surface and say, tyre wall inspected inside and out and no damage found
  4. Pick up both your wipers, say - secure, working and undamaged. Windscreen is not cracked or chipped
  5. Walk to the front of your car, say - Engine cap is closed. Say - lights and corner lamps are secure and working, number plate is secure and corresponds to license disk
  6. Say - Fluid and Fan belt is checked and levels are fine
  7. Move to left front wheel and say - wheel is the same as the right front
  8. Check your license disk and say, license disk is valid and in place
  9. Move to the passenger front door and say that it is the same as the driver door
  10. Move to the rear left door and say the door is closed and the handle is secure and working
  11. Move to the rear left wheel and say that it is the same as the front
  12. Say that the petrol cap is closed ( if it is on this side of the car, otherwise, you will get to it later
  13. Move to the back of the car, say that the number plate is secured, the lights are secured and working and that the boot is closed. Inside the boot is a spare wheel a jack and a spanner
  14. Move around the car again, say that the rear right wheel is the same as the others and the door is also the same as the others


  1. Get in the car, close the door and open the window
  2. Switch on all lights and indicators as per the instructers requests
  3. The instructor will tell you to continue with the pre-trip inspection
  4. Say - door is closed
  5. The seatbelt is fastened and working
  6. Handbrake is on and the car is in neutral
  7. There are no obstructions at your feet or on the dashboard
  8. Seat and mirrors are set to your comfort
  9. Switch on the ignition(don't start yet) and say the instrument panel is working